Monday, 12 August 2013

Day 501 - Manners Street v The Terrace

In a quirk of fate, or perhaps in an attempt to marginalise it, the Commission of Commission’s offices are located in the dubious surroundings of Manners Street. Of course, any self-respecting Government organisation is located within spitting distance of Parliament. Preferably on the much vaunted “The Terrace”.

The Treasury is at No1 The Terrace and flaunts its address with the drunken strut of a 5/10 women at any Wellington bar at 3am - it just knows it’s going to score. By comparison, Manners Street is like Tawa. One understands it exists, but would never actually visit. Much like Manners Street is on the way to Courtney Place or Cuba Street, Tawa is on the way to anywhere, but Tawa.

Having occupied office space on both The Terrace and Manners Street, I have come to appreciate Manners Street and it’s natives. Some preliminary observations:

- The other day, I saw what I thought was a walking highlighter pen. Alas it was a Manners Street dweller attired in a bright combo of pink and orange. The Terrace, by comparison allows only varying hues of grey on black – or if one is daring, navy blue for a casual Friday.

- The Mucho Mucho Cuban Coffee kiosk has the strongest coffee in Wellington.

- The narrow bus lane is a pleasing process of natural selection. To the Manners Street local, the slender bus lane is a free PlayStation game. To the bus drivers, a chance to vent some frustration at being a bus driver. And to newbies, a reason to buy some new underwear.

- The teenagers outside Burger King seem nice.

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