Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 13(b) cold & wet - Lesbians and Greyhounds

As some of you know, a small horse resides in this Island Bay home - a retired racing greyhound. She skulks around the house indiscriminately whacking things with her super powered tail and trying desperately not to fall over children's toys. 

A greyhound is an amusing creature in itself. But what is more amusing is that some lesbian couples seem strangely irresistibly drawn to this large canine. 

In the course of adopting our miniature horse, we dealt with one likely lesbian couple and suspect another. 

Now it would be tempting to theorise that lesbian couples like retired racing greyhounds because they miss a certain amount of masculinity in the house. After all, the greyhound is a lazy, but lovable dolt who consumes vast amounts of food. Sounds like most blokes to me.

But taking the piss out of lesbians couples is a dangerous game. Gays and lesbians, it seems, are allowed to joke about themselves, but usually take issue at anyone else having a laugh at their expense. That would be discrimination. 

What a pity. Lesbians adopting greyhounds is such rich fodder. 

I prefer the improv comedy mob. They might be freaks and geeks, but at least they can laugh at themselves. 

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